Monday, August 28, 2006

Doodle droppings

Well my Doodle is a funny kid. I think at this age all kids are pretty comical. Their thought patterns are just so bizzare. She just says some really funny things.

For instance, the other day we were driving to the grocery store. She was playing with her toy trumpet. She's in the back seat making noise and dancing. All of a sudden she holds it up and says, "What's that Mommy?" I say to her, "It's a trumpet." Excitedly, she says, "Right, Mommy!" She then began asking me other questions and being very happy when I got the answers "right!" I've heard of kids testing their parents, but litterally quizzing me? What a silly kid.

Monday, August 14, 2006


I decided I needed a place to jot down some thoughts. So Mommy Moments is born. When my baby "Doodlebug" was a little tiny baby, I decided to write random ideas/thoughts/memories on little pieces of paper, assuming that one day I would have the time to sit down and carefully organize and cherish each of those tiny scraps of paper. Boy, was I wrong.

Those tiny scraps have since been carried like falling leaves on a warm gust of wind on to a better place. Or so I can only assume. I have no idea what happened to them. Hopefully some of those thoughts were good enough to have been etched into my memory a little more permanently.

I can only hope that Doodlebug can find it in her heart to forgive me when she gets older for not having the best baby book on the block.