Saturday, June 16, 2007

An update on us.

It's been a while. The c-section went well. Better than I could have imagined. Little O is now 2 months old and is sheer perfection. I can't stop kissing her. It breaks my heart to have to go back to work in a few weeks, but what can you do. Life goes on and the bills keep coming in.

J is getting used to being a big sister. We did have a few "send her back to the hospital" type moments. For the most part she loves her sister "berry much."

Amazingly, they are both sleeping right now. Yes, right now, at the same time. Let's see how long before they decide I have had enough me time...

Well there's laundry to be folded, cleaning to be done, and baking to be started. Not to mention Avon to be sold! Yes I'm feeling ambitious today.