Friday, December 08, 2006


Well, I guess its time to announce that Doodle will be joined by a sister. We'll call her SweetPea. SweetPea is due to join the family in early-mid April. We found out that SweetPea was a girl about a week and a half ago.

J and I went to a routine ultrasound and took Doodlebug with us. We were lucky to get a fabulous tech that took her time and pointed out the baby to us and to Doodle. She pointed out that it was a girl. She also had Doodle help her print out a picture of her sister. She proceeded to carry that picture around for most of the day and point out her sister's eyes, ears, nose, etc.

I don't know if she really even understands what is going on, but I'm glad she is happy about it! Every now and then she will walk over and ask about her "sisser on the computer". I keep telling her that she needs a special computer with a special camera to look at the baby, but she still wants to see her.

Soon enough Doodle. Soon Enough.

Missing Moments

Clearly there have been a lot more moments than I have been posting! Unfortunately I have no excuses. I guess I'll just go from here and try to remember to post more when I can.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


About a week ago, my hubby, J., and I were shopping in one of those warehouse stores. Well Doodle being almost two couldn't stand the thought of sitting in the cart any longer. The fact that it was a big red fire truck cart, didn't even phase her.

So she figured out how to squirm out of her seatbelt. That was it. From that point on she was in and out, in and out, in and out. Finally, J. gets down on her level and calmly tries to tell her she can't get in and out of the cart while he is pushing it. He explains to her that it is dangerous and she could get hurt. She sits there looking at him intently, which I thought was odd, as she is one of the most hyperactive kids I know. Once he finishes talking, she just looks at him, grabs his nose and yells "HONK!!"

Luckily I was at the other end of the aisle, because I could not stop laughing!! I don't know how he managed to sit her back in the cart and go about his business without even cracking a smile. It took me a good five minutes before I could come back to the cart without laughing at her!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Doodle droppings

Well my Doodle is a funny kid. I think at this age all kids are pretty comical. Their thought patterns are just so bizzare. She just says some really funny things.

For instance, the other day we were driving to the grocery store. She was playing with her toy trumpet. She's in the back seat making noise and dancing. All of a sudden she holds it up and says, "What's that Mommy?" I say to her, "It's a trumpet." Excitedly, she says, "Right, Mommy!" She then began asking me other questions and being very happy when I got the answers "right!" I've heard of kids testing their parents, but litterally quizzing me? What a silly kid.

Monday, August 14, 2006


I decided I needed a place to jot down some thoughts. So Mommy Moments is born. When my baby "Doodlebug" was a little tiny baby, I decided to write random ideas/thoughts/memories on little pieces of paper, assuming that one day I would have the time to sit down and carefully organize and cherish each of those tiny scraps of paper. Boy, was I wrong.

Those tiny scraps have since been carried like falling leaves on a warm gust of wind on to a better place. Or so I can only assume. I have no idea what happened to them. Hopefully some of those thoughts were good enough to have been etched into my memory a little more permanently.

I can only hope that Doodlebug can find it in her heart to forgive me when she gets older for not having the best baby book on the block.